DEI For Real
Why DEI is Part of the Fabric of Every PowerPost.
In today’s world, it’s not enough to simply weed out unconscious bias to avoid turning anyone off. Not when it’s so easy to turn more Ideal Fit candidates on to every opportunity. With PowerPosts’ enhanced, custom content that weaves welcoming DEI messaging throughout. Communicating that the spirit of DEI is alive, inside each opportunity, and the organization as a whole.
PowerPosting Inherently Levels the Playing Field for Everyone.
DEI Inside and Out, Through and Through.
Unlike your basic job posts, that relegates diversity and inclusion language to an afterthought, PowerPosts actively show the importance of DEI within the organization. More than simply filling a position, actually creating a self-fulfilling DEI dynamic that puts every new hire in the best position to succeed. And what could be more inclusive than that?
Turns out you’re more powerful than you know.
Able to attract more of the right people…
With the most diverse mix of Ideal Fit candidates to choose from…
Based upon more direct hiring manager involvement…
In a position to get more from every team in the organization…